Alaya Women Center

Alaya Women’s Center is within walking distance from the community of the women of Walking Street and is also a few minutes away from the red light district in Angeles City in Pampanga.

We provide a safe and open space that serves as an activity center for women and girls formerly or actively engaged in the sex trade and those at risk of commercial sexual exploitation.  It is also the home of Sulagpu, Alaya’s training and education program for women.


Sulagpu is a training and education program for women who are open to possibilities of seeking livelihood outside the sex industry. We offer skills training, hobby courses, rights orientation and trauma healing programs.

Campaigns & Advocacy

We believe that any movement of women to end sexual violence and exploitation should emanate and gain strength from the grassroots. We are actively working forge different levels of relationships with organizations and communities

Alaya Women’s Center is open to the academe who want to pursue their study and understanding of sexual exploitation and violence by learning and working hand in hand with the stakeholders.

Through our listening and peer group sharing sessions, and in the course of the implementation of our programs,  Alaya wishes to develop a concrete program of action to effectively engage local and national government, institutions, international and regional instruments.

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